Self-Care During a Mental Health Epidemic – Part II

Yesterday I touched on caring for one important person, YOU! Yes, YOU! Do you feel that? Do you feel that warm glow inside you? That’s because your brain has picked up on your favourite subject, you! Your brain loves you and so should you. You should try everything in your power to keep YOU happy. But in this busy world, and in a world where we often get pulled in multiple directions at all hours of the day, it is difficult to take care of ourselves or rather to be selfish enough to put ourselves first.

Taking Care of YOU

Life can sometimes feel like a solo mission, especially when you’re the designated ‘fixer‘ in your social circle or workplace or family. Think Olivia Pope but without the team. Or Olivia without Jake :/ You know – friends come to you with their relationship dramas, colleagues seek your advice on sticky situations, and family members rely on you to be the voice of reason in times of crisis. It’s a role you’ve become all too familiar with – the dependable problem solver who always has a solution up their sleeve. But here’s the deal: you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s like trying to run a marathon on an empty stomach – you’ll burn out faster than you can say “I need a vacation”

Being everyone’s go-to problem solver can take its toll. It’s like being the captain of a sinking ship, tirelessly bailing out water while ignoring the leaks in your own hull. Sure, it feels good to be needed and appreciated, but at what cost? Your sanity? I think not!

When you’re constantly putting out fires for others, it’s easy to neglect your own needs and desires. Your energy becomes depleted, your stress levels skyrocket, and before you know it, you’re running on empty. Does that sound familiar?

But here’s the harsh truth: when your own tank is empty – eventually, you’ll come to a screeching halt. And trust me, burnout isn’t pretty.

So, how do you break free from the cycle of being everyone’s go-to problem solver and start prioritising your own well-being? It starts with setting boundaries and learning to say no.

Put your own oxygen mask on first!

Boundaries: It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes. That means setting boundaries with others and communicating your needs clearly and assertively. If someone constantly leans on you for support, gently remind them that you have your own challenges to navigate and need time to recharge. This doesn’t need to be rude or insensitive, just clear and at a time when no one is in urgent need of the other.

Say No: Saying no isn’t selfish – it’s self-preservation. Learning to decline requests or invitations that don’t align with your priorities or values can be difficult. You may initially feel like a letdown but, remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for putting your mental and physical well-being first. Except for your mother 🙂

Seek Support: Now this one is very hypocritical of me to write. I hardly reach out or ask for help. I have no idea why. There are many times when I feel like screaming into my pillow and reaching out to a friend or a family member, but I end up going for a walk and not seeking help. HELP! The truth is I know that if I were to let people in, my load would be lighter, and trust me I WANT a lighter load! So for this point, I’ll say; don’t be like me. You don’t have to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professionals for support when you need it. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and replenish your spirit.

Invest in Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Whether it’s carving out time for hobbies, indulging in relaxation activities, or simply taking a moment to breathe, prioritise activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. I myself find writing, jogging, swimming and walking to be therapeutic. But do you see the problem of my hobbies? They’re very ‘solitary pursuits’, so a goal of mine would definitely be to get into more group hobbies.

So, we’ve discussed why self-care is important and how to stop being a pushover. Tomorrow I promise we will speak more on burnout. I’m just too burnt out to finish that blog. It’s waiting for me in my drafts!!! But for today, go ahead, give yourself permission to step back, recharge, and put yourself first for a change. Your future self will thank you for it! Remember, taking a break is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of self-awareness and strength. Embracing self-care is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance in life. When you prioritize your well-being, you become better equipped to handle the challenges that come your way. So, take the time you need today to rest, relax, and rejuvenate. Your future productivity and happiness depend on it!

Also, a big thank you to all of you who keep up with my blog. It’s amazing to see how my words are connecting with people all around the globe! 😊 Like below!

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