Self-Care During a Mental Health Epidemic – Part II

The key to self-care is setting boundaries, learning to say no, seeking support, and investing in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Prioritizing your well-being is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance in life, leading to increased productivity and happiness.

Self-Care During a Mental Health Epidemic – Part 1

In this whirlwind of life, it’s very easy to lose sight of the one person who truly matters the most: yourself. Yep, you heard me right. In this marathon of meetings, deadlines, life, family, friends, and endless to-do lists, it’s crucial to remember that looking after number one – that’s you – isn’t selfish, it’s…

My Health Habits

My crush and his friends were standing a few metres away ahead of me, up to no good no doubt. I was having difficulty walking because duhh my crush was standing there!!

My 5 Favourite Blogs

Day 4 Have you ever wondered how blogging came into existence? Is this a new phenomenon? Why do people blog?  Why do you read blogs? The History… If you think about it, blogging has been around since man could write and tell stories. Accounts of peoples lives have always been documented and some people like Richard…

Day 1 – Travel Toots The Adventure Blog

Last night I decided to do this. I sat there and thought to myself, “Yes, I will blog every day for 30 days” lord help me! So I quickly took out my tablet and searched for the screenshots I made earlier this year on what to blog about for 30 days. Could I do it?…

Press Play : Travel Toots – The Adventure Blog

“Where are you?” “What’s going on?” “Hey, you haven’t been online much are you okay?” “Dee, where are you, why are you so quiet?” “Have you quit blogging? First of all, thank you to all my friends and readers who have been with me from the beginning of this adventure. You guys truly are every…

Prague In Pictures – The Good & The Ugly

The Emperor, of course, refused to pay more and told Giovani he would not get paid more. As a result, when he inscribed the building he wrote Ano. which was short of ‘ass’ or ‘anus’ in Italian or Portuguese instead of writing ano the short of the year.

5 Things To See In Paris- In A Day

Paris Is Always A Good Idea I know some of my friends and family will read this and roll their eyes…. hahaha. Yes my lovelies another Paris trip! This though was slightly different… Each time I have been there its been either with friends, family or loved ones. This however was my first solo-trip to…